Thursday, December 23, 2004

How to make DataGrid HyperLink Client And Server Side

Client Side HyperLink
1)  Write this in side datagrid tag
<asp:HyperLinkColumn HeaderText="Column Header" DataNavigateUrlField="Column Field name" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="DefineSourceType.aspx?dm_id={0}" DataTextField="Define" Target="_new" />
Column Header       : Anything you want to in header
Column Field name : The datafield column as you want as value
Define                      : The datatable field as you want as column text
{0}                            :  Indicating your column no as in the query start from 0
2) Now in code behind
 Dim dataset As New DataSet()
 Dim DataTable As New DataTable()

 DataGrid1.DataSource = dataset
Server Side HyperLink
1) write this tag in the datagrid tag
    <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Source type" Visible="True">
            <HeaderStyle CssClass="text_9_b"></HeaderStyle>
            <ItemStyle CssClass="text_9"></ItemStyle>
             <asp:HyperLink ID="hlnSourceType" Runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>
2) got to the code behind and write in the "Datagrid1_Itembound()" event
   If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
        Dim hlnSourceType As HyperLink = CType(e.Item.FindControl("hlnSourceType"), HyperLink)
        hlnSourceType.Text = CType(e.Item.DataItem, RxLogic.Location).SourceType.ToString()
        hlnSourceType.NavigateUrl = "DefineSourcetype.aspx?dm_id=" + iDMID.ToString()
   End If

     iDMID : the value as you want in the query string



Monday, October 25, 2004

Keyboard Shortcuts in

Keyboard Shortcuts in

Comment/Uncomment Code Blocks - Ctrl + K + C / Ctrl + K + U
Show tip - Ctrl + Shift + Space
List Methods/Properties - Ctrl + Space
Build - Ctrl + Shift + B
Expand All Outlining - Ctrl + M + L
Toggle Outlining - Ctrl + M + M
Toggle Breakpoint - F9
Clear all Breakpoints - Shift + F9
Add Existing Item dialog - Shift + Alt + A
Add New Item dialog - Ctrl + Shift + A
Properties Window - F4
Code and Design Window - F7 and Shift + F7
Move to Next Bookmark - Ctrl + K + N
Move to Previous Bookmark - Ctrl + K + P
Selected text to Uppercase - Ctrl + Shift + U
Selected text to Lowercase - Ctrl + U
Toggle Bookmark on Current Line - Ctrl + K + K
Select Word Containing Cursor - Ctrl + W
Sizing Controls Height - Shift + Down / Ctrl + Shift + Down
Sizing Controls Width - Shift + Right / Ctrl + Shift + Right
Find Dialog - Ctrl + F
Solution Explorer Window - Ctrl + Alt + L
Toolbox - Ctrl + Alt + X
Navigate Backward - Ctrl + hyphen
Incremental Search - Ctrl + I
Clipboard Ring - Ctrl + Shift + V
Word-Wrap in Editor - Ctrl + R + R
Block Selection - Alt and Drag
Full Screen Mode - Shift + Alt + Enter

Thanks & Regard's

Ritesh Kumar Kesharwani
Software Engineer
Aditi Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore 560080 , India
Email -
Phone - +91- 80 - 23611300 / 301 Xtn. - 3216
Mobile - 0-9845657636

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

HTTP 1.1 500 Internal Server Error - Help!!

This fixed my problem too. I thought I was going to have to reload IIS and recreate all my virtual directories (and I have a ton on my development machine).

Here are those four magic lines (run at the Visual Studio.Net Command Line):
1) iisreset /stop
2) net user ASPNET /delete
3) aspnet_regiis -i
4) iisreset /start

Another Alternate Way

The fix below is for new web apps not opening and receiving the 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'
Check the following:
“My_Computer_Zone code group” value on the Web server? To achieve that, you should do the following:
- Go to “Administrative Tools”
- Open “Microsoft .Net 1.1 Configuration”
- In the new window, expand the “Runtime Security Policy”
- Expand “Machine”, then “Code Groups”, then “All_Code”.
- Right-Click on “My_Computer_Zone” and select properties.
- On the “Permission Set” tab, the selected value should be “Full Trust”
- If it is not, you should change the value to “Full Trust”.
- You can test again creating a new ASP.NET Web application

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

How to make a button default when enter key is hit (ASP.NET)

Enter Botton
Use this code :
Page.RegisterHiddenField("__EVENTTARGET", "btn_buttonID");
Write this line in your code behind, this line of code should be written in Page_Load event,
this line would always make btn_buttonID fire a click event when ever enter is pressed

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Default Button for a TextBox (Data entry screen) in ASP.NET

#) Default Button for a TextBox (Data entry screen) in ASP.NET
Sometimes I get annoyed when hitting the enter key in a TextBox (say login screen) resulting in undesired effects like the wrong Button being "clicked". After so many code tricks, I found the below method that allows you to specify a default Button to submit when the user hits the enter key in a TextBox.

When you press a key on your keyboard, the js OnKeyPress event is fired. This calls a function to which we pass the id of the button associated with the TextBox. The function gets a reference to the button and simuilates a mouse-click on the Button. We perform a browser detection because IE and Netscape have different event models. The function finally returns false so that the keypress event is cancelled (otherwise a second form submit will be raised). I tried this code with newer versions of IE 6.0/Netscape 7 it worked great!.
//client side js
function clickButton(e, buttonid){
var bt = document.getElementById(buttonid);
if (typeof bt == 'object'){
if (e.keyCode == 13){;
return false;
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet Explorer")>(-1)){
if (event.keyCode == 13){;
return false;
//code behind
TextBox1.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return clickButton(event,'" + Button1.ClientID + "')");

The code behind generates the following code:

This causes web control Button1 to be clicked when the enter key is hit inside TextBox1.
Hope this helps many!

Monday, October 04, 2004

How To Run Office Macros by Using Automation from Visual Basic .NET;EN-US;306682

Create the Visual Basic .NET Automation Client
Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. On the File menu, click New, and then click Project. Select Windows Application from the Visual Basic Projects types. Form1 is created by default.
Add a reference to the Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word object libraries. To do this, follow these steps:
On the Project menu, click Add Reference.
On the COM tab, locate Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library or Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library, and then click Select.NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Office XP and you have not already done so, Microsoft recommends that you download and then install the Microsoft Office XP Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs). For additional information about Office XP PIAs, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
328912 INFO: Microsoft Office XP PIAs Are Available for Download
Repeat the previous step for the Access, Excel, and PowerPoint object libraries.
Click OK in the Add References dialog box to accept your selections. If you receive a prompt to generate wrappers for the libraries that you selected, click Yes.NOTE: If you receive an error message when you reference the Access 10.0 object library, see the "Troubleshooting" section.

On the View menu, click ToolBox. Add a combo box and a button to Form1.
Double-click Button1 to generate a definition for the button's Click event handler.
Paste the following code in the Button1_Click procedure:
Select Case ComboBox1.SelectedItem

Case "Access"

Dim oAccess As Access.ApplicationClass

'Start Access and open the database.
oAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
oAccess.Visible = True
oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase("c:\db1.mdb", False)

'Run the macros.
oAccess.Run ("DoKbTest")
oAccess.Run("DoKbTestWithParameter", "Hello from VB .NET Client")

'Clean-up: Quit Access without saving changes to the database.
oAccess.DoCmd().Quit (Access.AcQuitOption.acQuitSaveNone)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oAccess)
oAccess = Nothing

Case "Excel"

Dim oExcel As Excel.ApplicationClass
Dim oBook As Excel.WorkbookClass
Dim oBooks As Excel.Workbooks

'Start Excel and open the workbook.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = True
oBooks = oExcel.Workbooks
oBook = oBooks.Open("c:\book1.xls")

'Run the macros.
oExcel.Run ("DoKbTest")
oExcel.Run("DoKbTestWithParameter", "Hello from VB .NET Client")

'Clean-up: Close the workbook and quit Excel.
oBook.Close (False)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oBook)
oBook = Nothing
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oBooks)
oBooks = Nothing
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oExcel)
oExcel = Nothing

Case "PowerPoint"

Dim oPP As PowerPoint.ApplicationClass
Dim oPresSet As PowerPoint.Presentations
Dim oPres As PowerPoint.PresentationClass

'Start PowerPoint and open the presentation.
oPP = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
oPP.Visible = True
oPresSet = oPP.Presentations
oPres = oPresSet.Open("c:\pres1.ppt", , , True)

'Run the macros.
oPP.Run ("'pres1.ppt'!DoKbTest")
oPP.Run("'pres1.ppt'!DoKbTestWithParameter", "Hello from VB .NET Client")

'Clean-up: Close the presentation and quit PowerPoint.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oPres)
oPres = Nothing
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oPresSet)
oPresSet = Nothing
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oPP)
oPP = Nothing

Case "Word"

Dim oWord As Word.ApplicationClass

'Start Word and open the document.
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
oWord.Documents.Open ("C:\Doc1.doc")

'Run the macros.
oWord.Run ("DoKbTest")
oWord.Run("DoKbTestWithParameter", "Hello from VB .NET Client")

'Quit Word.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject (oWord)
oWord = Nothing

End Select

On the View menu, click Designer and double-click Form1 to generate a definition for the form's Load event.
Paste the following code in the Form1_Load procedure:
ComboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
Dim a As String() = {"Access", "Excel", "PowerPoint", "Word"}
ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0

Add the following code to the top of Form1.vb:
Imports Access = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint

Run and Test the Automation Client
Press F5 to run the application.
Select an Office application from ComboBox1, and then click Button1. The Office application that you selected is started and the DoKBTest and DoKBTestWithParameter macros are executed.
When you reference the Access 10.0 object library in a Visual Basic .NET project, you may receive an error message that states that conversion of the library to a .NET assembly failed. For additional information about how to resolve this problem so that you can successfully reference the Access 10.0 object library, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
317157 PRB: Errors When Referencing the Microsoft Access 10.0 Type Library

Monday, August 02, 2004

How to Update the Version of DLL ( Old to New )

Control panel --->
Administrative tools -->
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration -->
Configured assemblies -->
Configure an Assembly and
select the old Asembly Name which is having old version version which is
present their
One Popup window with 3 tabs will come
select the Binding Policy
their in "Requested Version" u give the old version name
and in "New Version" give the New Version name which u want all the appln to
when ever the old assembly is accessed then that will enroute it to
the version which u mentioned in "New Version"

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Hide Hyperlinks From Site Visitors ( By Bipin Joshi )

Hide Hyperlinks From Site Visitors ( By Bipin Joshi )


When you move your mouse pointer on any of the link in the browser, the
corresponding hyperlink is shown in the status bar. As a webmaster or
developer of a web site, many times you want to hide such hyperlinks in your
pages. This is needed frequently in download pages to hide the original
content location or payment related pages. In this small code sample we will
use ASP.NET HyperLink web control to display our links and then write code
to hide them from the site visitors.

The code

As an example let us assume that you have a HyperLink control called
HyperLink1 on the web form. When that control is rendered in the browser; it
gets converted into an HTML tag. In order to hide the URL from the end
user we need to handle three of its client side events:
* OnMouseOver
* OnMouseMove
* OnContextMenu
You might be wondering why we need to handle the third event. This is event
is raised when user right clicks on the link. Since we want to hide the
link; we also would not like the visitors to use "Copy Shortcut" option from
the right click menu. Hence, we also need to handle the OnContextMenu event.
Note that these are client side events and we need to write JavaScript code
to handle them. There are two steps involved in this:

* Attach client side events and their event handler function in your server side code.
* Write client side function to handle the events Attaching events and event handler

In order to attach a client side event and its handler ASP.NET provides an
Attributes collection. You can use this collection as follows:

HyperLink1.Attributes.Add("oncontextmenu","return false;");

Here, we are specifying that OnMouseOver client side event will be handled
by a function called HideLink(). In the OnContextMenu event we simply want
to return false to indicate as if that event never fired.

Client side function

Here is the JavaScript function that does the job for us.

function HideLink()
window.status="You do not see the link here!";

Here, we simply set the status bar text of the browser window to some custom
text. That's it.

About the author
Name : Bipin Joshi

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

How to Delete Duplicate Record in SQL Server

Using a Correlated Subquery to Delete Duplicate Records
CREATE TABLE Dups (NameId int, FirstName varchar(10), LastName varchar(10))
GO INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (106, 'Robert', 'Aide')
(108, 'Hongbo', 'Li') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (123, 'Robert', 'Aide') INSERT
INTO Dups VALUES (124, 'David', 'Koidl') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (125,
'Hongbo', 'Li') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (138, 'Robert', 'Aide') INSERT INTO
Dups VALUES (139, 'David', 'Koidl') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (140, 'Hongbo',
'Li') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (153, 'Robert', 'Aide') INSERT INTO Dups
VALUES (154, 'David', 'Koidl') INSERT INTO Dups VALUES (155, 'Hongbo', 'Li')

DupsInner.FirstName = Dups.FirstName AND DupsInner.LastName = Dups.LastName
AND DupsInner.NameId < Dups.NameId )

Ritesh Kesharwani
SQL Star Intlernational Ltd.
Cell - 9849976150

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Retrive records without column name


Create a Stored Procedure or Function using following script, and pass
tablename and NoOfColumns as Input Parameters. You problem is solved

Declare @TableName nvarchar(1000)
Declare @NoOfColumns Int
Set @NoOfColumns = 3
Set @TableName = 'Stores'

Declare @ID INT
Declare @SqlString nvarchar(3000), @SqlString1 nvarchar(3000)
Set @SQLString = 'Select '
Select @ID = id From SYSOBJECTS WHERE xtype = 'U' and Name = @TableName
Declare @SQlParameters nvarchar(1000)
Set @SqlParameters = N'@SQLString nvarchar(3000)
Set @SqlString1 = 'Select Top ' + Cast(@NoOfColumns as varchar(5)) + '
@SQLString = @SQLString + '' '' + name + '','' From SYSCOLUMNS WHERE id =
@ID order by colid'
Exec sp_executesql @SqlString1, @SqlParameters, @SqlString OUTPUT, @ID
SeT @SQLString = Left(@SqlString, Len(@SqlString) - 1) + ' From ' +
Exec sp_executesql @SqlString

Monday, July 26, 2004

How to embed .Net User control in an Html Page

Yes, it is possible to embed a .net user control in an HTML page.
You have to use html Object tag, to do so.... as shown below.

Ritesh Kesharwani
SQL Star Intlernational Ltd.
Cell - 9849976150

How to prevent Page being submitted when Enter key is pressed.

Call This Function in onKeyPress event of any control.
function onKey()
if ((event.which &&amp; event.which == 13) (event.keyCode &&
event.keyCode == 13))
{;return false;}
else return true;

 for more detail you can go through with

For All Page document.onkeypress = function(){return event.keyCode!=13;};


Friday, July 23, 2004

How to change a WindowsApplicatioon project type to ConsoleApplic ation project type in visual studio

Hi All,

How to change a WindowsApplicatioon project type to ConsoleApplication
project type in visual studio?
Open "application.csproj" file in notepad, under "Settings" head change
OutputType = "winExe" to OutputType = "Exe".. that's it

How to Disable ''Close' button in Window Form in .NET

Set ControlBox = false;
This will not show the 'Close' button.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

How to Change Font Color and Size in Crystal Report on Run time

Public Sub setReportStyle(ByVal objReport As Object)
Dim intObjectCount As Integer
intObjectCount = 0
'Checking whether report object is nothing or not
If Not Nothing Is objReport Then
'get all report sections into ReportSections variable
ReportSections = objReport.ReportDefinition.Sections
End If
If Not Nothing Is ReportSections Then
'Iterate through all sections
For Each Reportsection In ReportSections
'Iterate throw all fields in each section
For intObjectCount = 0 To Reportsection.ReportObjects.Count - 1
' for field type objects
If Reportsection.ReportObjects.Item(intObjectCount).Kind =
ReportObjectKind.FieldObject Then
fldObject = Reportsection.ReportObjects.Item(intObjectCount)
Dim strName As String
If Not Nothing Is fldObject Then
strName = fldObject.Name.ToLower
fldObject.ApplyFont(New Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Underline))
fldObject.Color = Color.Maroon
End if
End if
Catch ex as Exception
End Try
End sub

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Creating the advertisement xml file using Adrotator Control (ASP. NET)


Fellow below step for make the images to be displayed in a timed fashion 
There are two steps to using the AdRotator on your page: creating an 
instance of the AdRotator web control on the page and creating the 
advertisement xml file. 
Creating an Instance of the AdRotator Web Control 
The following code should be inserted on each aspx page you would like the 
ad to appear on: 

The tag accepts the following properties: 

* ID: The unique identifier for the AdRotator control. 

 * AdvertisementFile: The path of the advertisement file that contains 
information about each ad. 

 * KeywordFilter: This property allows you to display ads based on a 
keyword property that is set in the advertisement file. 
That's about all it takes to add the AdRotator control to the page. Now 
onto the Advertisement file. 
Creating the Advertisement File 
The advertisement file used by the AdRotator is a simple XML file that 
should use the following format: 

This is alt text for the first ad 
This is alt text for the second ad 
web development 

The advertisement file consists of the following elements: 

 * This tag should surround all ads within your file. 
This is called the root element. 

 * This tag contains all the attributes for a single ad within 
your ad list. 

 * The path of the image file that will be displayed. 

 * The URL that the image file will link to. 

 * The ALT text for the image. This will be displayed 
when a user hovers over the image or if the image can not be found. 

 * This is what the KeywordFilter property of the 
tag searches for when filtering ads to display on a page. 

 * This property specifies the relative number of times 
this ad compared to the other ads. 


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

How to Lock the DeskTop in different Way ( Something New)


This is a interesting piece of info that you can use to lock your
work-stations without using the combo key "CTRL- ALT- DEL"
If CTRL-ALT-DELETE seems like too much of a hassle, try this instead:
1. Right click an empty spot on the desktop, point to New and click
2. In the Create Shortcut dialog box, type the following into the Type the
location of the item text box:
"rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation" // remove quotes while typing
3. Click Next.
4. In the Select a Title for the Program dialog box, type "Lock Desktop" in
the Type a name for this shortcut text box.
5. Click Finish.

Monday, July 19, 2004

How to do Encryption and Decryption using NET SHA1Managed class


Imports System.Security.Cryptography

C# Source Code

/// This function encript the string value using SHA notation

/// string value
/// Encripted value
public static string GetEncryptedData(string data)
SHA1Managed shaManaged = new SHA1Managed();
string Enc_val =
byte[] enc_data = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
string enc_string = Convert.ToBase64String(enc_data);
return enc_string;

/// This function decript the encripted value using SHA notation

/// Encripted value
/// stirng value

public static string GetDecryptedData(string data)
byte[] dec_data = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
string dsc_string = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(dec_data);
return dsc_string;

VB Source Code

Public Function GetEncryptedData(ByVal Data As String) As String
'Dim shaM As New SHA1Managed
'Dim Enc_Password As String =
'GetEncryptedData = Enc_Password
Dim eNC_data() As Byte =
Dim eNC_str As String = Convert.ToBase64String(eNC_data)
GetEncryptedData = eNC_str
End Function

Public Function GetDecryptedData(ByVal Data As String) As String
Dim dEC_data() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(Data)
Dim dEC_Str As String =
GetDecryptedData = dEC_Str
End Function

How to use

Using these function you will get Encrypted and Decrypted form of data.

//return value would be "UHJvZHVjdElkPTEyMzQ1JkZpbGU9X05vYy54bWw="
string enc_value = GetEncryptedData('ProductId=12345&File=_Noc.xml');
//return value would be "ProductId=12345&File=_Noc.xml"
string dcrp_value = GetDecryptedData(enc_value);

Saturday, July 17, 2004

How to display and edit Chinese on English Windows systems

    I searched for other resources. I came across a page, which would give you all the resources for your requirement
 ("How to display and edit Chinese on English Windows systems"). 
  Please check over it.

.NET Deployment Problem "keycodev2.dll"

A VB .NET web application uses Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET as the
reporting development tool.

When you run the application on the development computer, the following
error message appears:

"Cannot find keycodev2.dll or invalid keycode"

Why does this error message appear in this VB .NET web application?

This issue only exists on the development computer when working with a web
application. This issue does not apply to deployment.

This error message appears because the following registry keys do not have
rights for the ASPNET account:

- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{4A4D268A-DF9B-4FC1-8301-D9FEEEF69F9C}

- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{8D43D0B9-C14E-4577-9E67-A9A1EEF82302}

To resolve this error message, give these two registry keys ASPNET read


To give ASPNET read rights to a registry key:

1. Go into the 32 bit Registry Editor (Start > Run > then type "regedt32").

2. Go to the 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' window and select the 'Interface' key.

3. Highlight "{4A4D268A-DF9B-4FC1-8301-D9FEEEF69F9C}" and select the
"Security" menu then click "Permissions...".

4. In the permissions dialog, add the "ASPNET" account from the local
machine and give this account at least read rights.

Repeat steps 2 to 4, except use the "{8D43D0B9-C14E-4577-9E67-A9A1EEF82302}"
key under the "TypeLib" key.

NOTE: After All above steps you have to Recompile your Program........

Just Fun...


Once an old man was sitting in the park reading book "learn DOTNET in 21
days" A passer by saw him and asked "U are such an old guy, why do you
bother to learn DOTNET ?" "I have heard that communication language at
heaven is DOTNET so after my death when I will be in heaven, I don't want to
face communication problem." old man replied. " But how come are U so sure
that U will be in heaven? It could be a hell also." he asked. "Ya, doesn't
matter .... I already know COBOL"

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Top 20 IT Software Exporters from India (2003-04)


Tata Consultancy Services

Infosys Technologies Ltd

Wipro Technologies

Satyam Computer Services Ltd

HCL Technologies Ltd

Patni Computer Systems Ltd

iFlex Solutions

Mahindra British Telecom Ltd

Polaris Software

Digital Globalsoft Ltd


Perot Systems TSI (HCL Perot Systems Ltd)

iGATE Global Solutions Limited (Mascot Systems Ltd)

Birlasoft Ltd

Mphasis BFL Ltd

Mastek Ltd

Hexaware Technologies Ltd

Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd