Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to add innerHTML or Multi line text to NgbPopover

I was trying to show multi line text on Popover and want to format my display contain as I want using HTML tag. text construction has to be done in .ts file.

I achieved this in following way.

Label where, on mouseover I want to show popover with employee detail data.
I want when use mouseover then popover display and if user click outside or click “esc” then popover disappears. You can also use moverover and mouse leave using triggers="mouseenter:mouseleave"

npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap


//Popover- menu item
import { NgbPopoverModule, NgbModalModule, NgbAlertModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
@NgModule({imports: [NgbPopoverModule]})

Employee.html file 

            name="EmployeeProfile "
popoverTitle="Employee Detail Profile"
            triggers="mouseenter" [autoClose]="'outside'">

 <ng-template #ShowEmployeeProfile >

Employee.ts file

employeeDetailDataForToolTip: string ="";

getEmployeeProfileData(): string
this.employeeDetailDataForToolTip+='<ul><u>Ritesh Kesharwani</u>';
this.employeeDetailDataForToolTip+='<li>Address: Mile City, USA</lt;li>';
this.employeeDetailDataForToolTip+='<li> Department: Education</li>';
this.employeeDetailDataForToolTip+='<li> Salary: $300000</li>';
this.employeeDetailDataForToolTip+='<li> Base Location: MN</li></ul>'
If you want scroll bar on Popover then you need to override style sheet
.popover {
  max-width500px !important;
  background#F9F9F9 !important;
  max-height400px !important;
  overflowscroll !important;

sample pop over on label mouse over 

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